OTech has established the so-called Paul Gihring Scholarship fund to sponsor students who would like to use the OTech training resources but can't afford that because of financial hardship.
Who is Paul Gihring?
Paul Gihring was one of our early DICOM hands-on instructors/consultants who found a home at OTech after retiring early from a distinguished and successful engineering career at GE medical, most recently its Nuclear Medicine division. He touched many people and students in his life and passed away early in his second career as a family man and teacher. He is remembered and missed by his survivors. This scholarship fund is established in his name.
Who can apply for the scholarship?
Anyone can apply for the scholarship that has a financial hardship and trouble paying for the training materials and/or class fees. Examples of people who typically apply are: people who are unemployed and looking for a career change, students coming straight out of school and who lack the specialized knowledge or certification to get considered for an entry level job, professionals working in emerging and developing countries where there is no budget available for any training, people working at an institution or company which is not willing to sponsor and/or pay for the tuition.
What does the scholarship cover?
The scholarship provides $1000 towards the fee of any of the OTech face-to-face training classes and/or materials and corresponding fees for 3rd party certification exams. If scholarships for multiple classes are requested, the applicant will only be able to get access to the next level if the prior level has been achieved. For example, imagine an IT professional who wants to get EMR certified to get an opportunity to get a job in the healthcare field. He or she will pursue first the CPAS training and certification and after successfully passing, get access to the CPEMS training and certification.
From one of our scholarship recipients:
I would like to thank you for the Paul Gihring Scholarship. If it wasn't for your help I wouldn't have been able to attend this course.
This two day class about the fundamentals of clinical and IT was very helpful for me because it helped refresh my memory. I took the IT course a long time ago and this course helped me clear up my doubts. For the last 4-5 years, I didn't have a lot of experience with technology.
When I attended this course, I began to remember many of the things I learned in past. Since I had gotten the study material late, I wasn't able to look through the book before I entered the class. I thought the class would be very hard for me but thanks to Mr. John's way of teaching I was able to clearly understand what he was trying to get across in a short period of time. I can honestly say that I enjoyed taking this class because I was able to get accumulate a lot of knowledge.
I would highly recommend fundamentals of clinical and IT to others who are interested in learning to be a PACS administrator. This is the first step to learn Fundaments of Clinical and IT. If anyone attends this class it will really be worth their while. OTech lectures go above and beyond compared to many others. In fact, this is why I plan on joining the next course as well.
Click here to view or print the application.
CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595
OCT 5-7
Comprehensive DICOM Certification
OCT 8-9
Comprehensive HL7: V2 and FHIR
PACS On-line Core Essentials
NOV 10
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials
NOV 11
DICOM On-line Core Essentials
NOV 12
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials
Click here to view entire training schedule.
Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.
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