Product Code: P-122
This package includes all of the courses that you need to prepare you for the PARCA CDIP DICOM certification as well as the applicable Study Guides for one discounted price
This package includes:
DICOM Introduction, Data Formats and Protocol (OUD-101)
DICOM Services, Commands and Conformance (OUD-102)
DICOM Workflow Management and Structured Reports (OUD-103)
DICOM Image Quality, Networking and Troubleshooting (OUD-104)
CDIP certification Study Guide (UB-212)
DICOM Basics B-105
Price: $1400.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: P-124
This package includes all of the courses for you to get a basic understanding of the DICOM standard. It includes the applicable Study Guides and text booksfor one discounted price.
This package includes:
DICOM Introduction, Data Formats and Protocol (OUD-101)
DICOM Services, Commands and Conformance (OUD-102)
CDIP certification Study Guide (UB-212)
DICOM Basics B-105
Price: $750.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: P-125
This package includes all of the courses for you to enhance your DICOM knowledge for one discounted price.
This package includes:
DICOM Workflow Management and Structured Reports (OUD-103)
DICOM Image Quality, Networking and Troubleshooting (OUD-104)
Price: $700.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: OUD-101
This course provides an introduction to the DICOM standard by providing an overview of the different components of the DICOM standard, i.e. the image communication, image and information management and image quality. It shows how the DICOM headers are broken down and how they are encoded into the different Attribute tags. The DICOM protocol and commands are explained and the image objects are covered in detail.
Price: $400.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: OUD-102
This course covers the different DICOM exchange protocol services, as well as the different services to be used for input and output of images on different media, such as paper, film and electronic media. The student will also be able to identify typical errors that might frequently occur when trying to import images from electronic media. And you will be able to analyze conformance statements for potential interoperability issues.
Price: $400.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: OUD-103
This course will help you identify which services are needed to support an efficient workflow, how to interpret Structured reports such as used for measurements, and how to establish the correct workflow to facilitate CAD processing. It will also cover the DICOM information model with regard to scheduled and performed procedures.
Price: $400.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: OUD-104
This course covers the Pixel pipeline, fusion and registration. It also discusses overlays, greyscale and color, blended and extensions to presentations states. We will discuss, compression, networking, addressing, configuration management and security. Lastly, you will learn about troubleshooting, active and passive test tools such as sniffers and validators, and adding a new modality.
Price: $400.00 Add to Cart
1. CD training courses are designed for PCs running Windows. They will not run on Apple computers running Mac OS.
2. Software is downloadable immediately after purchase and can be activated up to 3 times.
3. Since we cannot check whether or not you successfully completed a course, we will not provide a certificate of completion.
Product Code: P-114
This package contains both parts of the DICOM Basics online training from OTechU.
Price: $750.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: SD-103
You will get a basic understanding of the DICOM standard and go through a workshop that provides practical experience in analyzing and debugging DICOM connections and messages. The architecture, communication protocol, and DICOM services such as Store, Print, and the interaction of a device with an information system and/or archive will be explained. You will get a certificate of completion at the end of the seminar.
Product Code: WD-101
This high paced web-based seminar teaches the essential components of the DICOM standard, its protocol and data format (header), and how to resolve any interface issues with devices using this interface standard.
Product Code: WD-105
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and covers all the requirements to get DICOM certified. It is delivered using a virtual classroom (GoToMeeting) thereby allowing interaction with the students. It is delivered in a 4 times 4 hour webcast, split up in one hour units. It is targeted towards software developers, PACS administrators, interface analysts, and system integrators. You might have some limited knowledge of DICOM, but this certification class rounds you off to become knowledgeable about its details, including the latest enhancements and changes. All exam and member fees to allow the student to take the certification exam are included in the cost of the seminar.
Product Code: WD-104
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and covers all the requirements to get DICOM certified. It is delivered using a virtual classroom (GoToMeeting) thereby allowing interaction with the students. It is delivered in a 4 times 4 hour webcast, split up in one hour units. It is targeted towards software developers, PACS administrators, interface analysts, and system integrators. You might have some limited knowledge of DICOM, but this certification class rounds you off to become knowledgeable about its details, including the latest enhancements and changes. All exam and member fees to allow the student to take the certification exam are included in the cost of the seminar.
Product Code: WD-102
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and concentrates on the new developments and additions. It is targeted towards software developers, system integrators and testers that either have some limited knowledge of the DICOM standard, or will come up to speed using the study materials which are provided prior to the seminar (DICOM Basics textbook with specific reading assignments).
Product Code: WD-103
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and covers all the requirements to get DICOM certified. It is delivered using a virtual classroom (GoToMeeting) thereby allowing interaction with the students. It is delivered in a 4 times 4 hour webcast, split up in one hour units. It is targeted towards software developers, PACS administrators, interface analysts, and system integrators. You might have some limited knowledge of DICOM, but this certification class rounds you off to become knowledgeable about its details, including the latest enhancements and changes. All exam and member fees to allow the student to take the certification exam are included in the cost of the seminar.
SHIPPING CHARGES APPLY: Please note that the Certified DICOM Integration Professional (CDIP) study guide requires shipping.
Product Code: WD-106
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and covers all the requirements to get DICOM certified. It is delivered using a virtual classroom (GoToMeeting) thereby allowing interaction with the students. It is delivered in a 4 times 4 hour webcast, split up in one hour units. It is targeted towards software developers, PACS administrators, interface analysts, and system integrators. You might have some limited knowledge of DICOM, but this certification class rounds you off to become knowledgeable about its details, including the latest enhancements and changes. All exam and member fees to allow the student to take the certification exam are included in the cost of the seminar.
Product Code: WD-107
This is an intensive on-line, instructor lead, DICOM training which covers the current DICOM standard and covers all the requirements to get DICOM certified. It is delivered using a virtual classroom (GoToMeeting) thereby allowing interaction with the students. It is delivered in a 4 times 4 hour webcast, split up in one hour units. It is targeted towards software developers, PACS administrators, interface analysts, and system integrators. You might have some limited knowledge of DICOM, but this certification class rounds you off to become knowledgeable about its details, including the latest enhancements and changes. All exam and member fees to allow the student to take the certification exam are included in the cost of the seminar.
Product Code: B-117
The DICOM/HL7 Reference Guide is intended for department administrators, PACS administrators, radiological technologists, IT personnel, and students. It provides an excerpt of the most frequently used tables in the standard, particularly the UID's and the most common DICOM Attributes and type definitions.
Price: $35.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: B-119
A reference book for those who would like to understand the basics of the Digital Imaging and Communications (DICOM) standard. This book is identical to the English version, with an extra chapter on the use of multi-byte character sets such as used to encode Asian languages in DICOM.
Price: $50.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: B-105
A reference book for those who would like to understand the basics of the Digital Imaging and Communications (DICOM) standard.
Price: $70.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: B-102
Un libro de referencia traducido al Espa�ol para todos aquellos que deseen comprender los fundamentos b�sicos del est�ndar para el Tratamiento Digital de Im�genes y Comunicaciones en Medicina (DICOM).
Price: $25.00 Add to Cart
Note: All eBooks are compatible with Microsoft Windows only and require Adobe Flash. eBooks are not your familiar electronic files such as .doc or .pdf, but instead, we use a customized reader that is developed for eBooks. It allows for easy indexing and browsing as well as provides a mechanism for us to license it. Therefore, it won't be easy printable, except for doing a "print-screen"; it is specifically intended to be softcopy viewing only such as on a computer. The major application for eBooks is for people who need access to these resources and can't easily carry paper or just don't want to have it around. Another good application is for readers who are based outside the US and therefore have to pay a relatively high cost for shipping these books internationally.
As with any software typical license, the ebook is supposed to be installed
on only one computing device. To allow for upgrades, computer crashes, etc. You can activate it more than once, however there is a maximum number of
activations configured to avoid piracy and improper usage.
Product Code: B-105ebk
Note: eBooks do not come with a print feature, are compatible with Microsoft Windows only and require Adobe Flash. This is the electronic version of our DICOM Basics, Third Edition Book. A reference book for those who would like to understand the basics of the Digital Imaging and Communications (DICOM) standard.
Price: $45.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: UB-212ebk
This comprehensive study guide provides professionals with a tool to master the DICOM integration specialist skills that are required to support, develop and integrate modalities and information systems with a PACS system. This study guide is also included with the self study packages and in addition, is provided when you take one of our on-or off-site classes.
The PARCA CDIP requirements are mapped to the study guide so that potential certification candidates can use this as a guide to prepare for their examinations. All PARCA (see� DICOM certification requirements are covered by this guide.
Price: $95.00 Add to Cart
Product Code: UB-212
This comprehensive study guide provides professionals with a tool to master the DICOM integration specialist skills that are required to support, develop and integrate modalities and information systems with a PACS system. This study guide is also included with the self study packages and in addition, is provided when you take one of our on-or off-site classes.
The PARCA CDIP requirements are mapped to the study guide so that potential certification candidates can use this as a guide to prepare for their examinations. All PARCA (see� DICOM certification requirements are covered by this guide.
Price: $115.00 Add to Cart
1. CD training courses are designed for PCs running Windows. They will not run on Apple computers running Mac OS.
2. Software is downloadable immediately after purchase and can be activated up to 3 times.
3. Since we cannot check whether or not you successfully completed a course, we will not provide a certificate of completion.
Product Code: S-100
OT-DICE is an active DICOM test tool which functions as a Modality Simulator and is very simple to set up and operate, even with no special training. It can be used as a training and troubleshooting tool. It installs very quickly on a PC with the Windows(TM) operating system, and can easily be configured to exchange image files with other DICOM entities.
Price: $250.00 Add to Cart
CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595
Digital and Computational Pathology
PACS On-line Core Essentials
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials
DICOM On-line Core Essentials
SEP 10
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials
SEP 14-15
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp
Click here to view entire training schedule.
Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.
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