CDA in a Day (HL7 V3)


This seminar is a very pragmatic, hands-on class, whereby the emphasis is on real-life implementation rather than theory, background and/or architecture. You will get a very high paced, comprehensive overview of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) which is part of HL7 version 3. You will gain an understanding of the CDA and the data management requirements for CDA documents in your health IT environment. You will learn how to access the information you need to address your questions about CDA and learn more as needs arise.

Contents & Schedule

CDA Walk through:
Build entries:
CD Internals:
Use of information resources:

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is involved with the implementation, support and integration of Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2 (CDA R2) documents. This course is especially important for system administrators, integration engineers and service and support professionals who are involved with the use of the CDA with Electronic Health Records.

How Long

This is a one day seminar. Your instructor is also available during lunch for informal discussions about your specific area of interest.

What Is Included

Softcopy of the slides, a simple lunch, and more than 10 sample CDA documents in PDF and XML format. You also get a free trial license of the oXygen XML editor which we will use to analyze the CDA documents.

Upcoming Classes

There are no seminars currently scheduled.


CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $119
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595

Training Schedule

FEB 4-6
Advanced PACS, DICOM and HL7 Troubleshooting

FEB 17-18
Fundamentals of Clinical and IT (PARCA CPAS)

FEB 19-22
PACS System Administration

FEB 24-26
Comprehensive DICOM

FEB 27-28
Comprehensive HL7 (V2)

APR 1-4
PACS and DICOM, HL7, IHE Fundamentals

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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