Cyber Security in Healthcare On-line Core Essentials

Product code: CS-101

This high paced web-based seminar teaches the essential components of Cyber Security in healthcare. It explains the fundamentals of Cyber Security, i.e. what is it, where does it apply, who does these attacks and why, how to deal with them and the potential impact.


This seminar provides a high level overview of Cyber Security components which is targeted to those professionals who are not directly involved with the security but need to know about the potential dangers and risks that cyber security incidents can cause and therefore identify those threats when they could appear and prepare themselves. It is useful for PACS administrators, hospital IT personnel and also biomedical and support professionals.

Class Structure

This is a synchronous delivered, instructor lead, live web session. The seminar has 2 sections/modules of one hour each.


It is strongly recommended to dial-in to the virtual classroom 15 minutes prior to the class to resolve any technical issues with audio, internet, etc.


You purchase a single "seat" which means that you should not share the invite for the meeting with others. If you wish to have several participants, you can order additional seats as indicated below. Each participant will than get a copy of the hand-outs.

Contents & Schedule

Module 1:

Module 2:

What Is Included

Upcoming Classes

There are no seminars currently scheduled.


CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595

Training Schedule

Digital and Computational Pathology

PACS On-line Core Essentials

HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

DICOM On-line Core Essentials

SEP 10
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials

SEP 14-15
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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