Advanced DICOM, HL7 and IHE seminar

Product code: SS-139

This hands-on seminar covers the IHE profiles that are used to optimize workflow in imaging such as radiology and cardiology, and to communicate between PACS and/or a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) and EMR's either direct or through a Health Information Exchange (HIE). The IHE ITI domain, in particular the various XDS and PIX/PDQ profiles are covered in great detail. Prior to the IHE profile discussions, the attendees will get a refresher of the different DICOM and HL7 transactions that are used to execute the applicable IHE profiles.

Detailed Learning Objectives

You will learn how imaging departments can effectively implement IHE profiles and therefore become more efficient and effective. The most important profiles such as Scheduled Workflow, import reconciliation, Key Images, Dose reporting and Change management to synchronize a PACS with a VNA are discussed in detail. The ITI domain profiles including the XDS family will be shown. One will become familiar with the IHE documentation to find details about the used transactions.

Contents & Schedule

Day 1

Day 2

What Is Included

Upcoming Classes

There are no seminars currently scheduled.


CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595

Training Schedule

Digital and Computational Pathology

PACS On-line Core Essentials

HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

DICOM On-line Core Essentials

SEP 10
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials

SEP 14-15
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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