PACS Study Guide

PACS System Associate (AS) Study Guide, IT Component

Price: $ 115.00   Add to Cart

Product Code: UB-204

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This comprehensive study guide (second edition) provides professionals with a tool to master the IT component of the PACS System Associate skills that are required to support a PACS system. This study guide is also included with the self study packages and in addition, is provided when you take one of our on-or off-site classes.

This is the second edition of the study guide which has been updated and greatly expanded to cover the PARCA CPAS 2014 requirements.

The study guides refer to additional resources, i.e. self-study CD's and books, which can be purchased separately from OTech, and if you don't have any, or a very limited background in this subject matter are highly recommended. If you have taken any formal training, done self-study, or have experience in this subject matter, you would not necessarily need these additional resources.

This study guide is ideal for people who want to follow a "self-study" program using resources such as provided by the various websites, including, by providing them a tool to test their newly acquired skills and enhance their learning experience. The guide can be used in a peer-to-peer, team or classroom setting and/or form the basis for individual learning.

The PACS System Associate Study guide serves as a companion to the OTech PACS IT Basics learning CD. It provides an abstract for each of the subject area's with a listing of each important keywords. Each subject has several discussion questions that facilitate a better understanding of the subject materials, with suggested answer keys. Each section has also a sample test and essay questions.

The PARCA CPAS technical (IT) requirements are mapped to the study guide so that potential certification candidates can use this as a guide to prepare for their examinations. All PARCA (see CPAS IT technical requirements are covered by this guide.

The authors of this study guide are Herman Oosterwijk, who is a trainer/teacher for 20 years in the healthcare imaging and IT field, and Josh Baker who is a PACS veteran and the director of IT and operations for healthcare IT providers.

The subjects covered in this guide include:
View Pages:  Front Cover  Back Cover  TOC  Chapter 1  


CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595

Training Schedule

MAR 23-24
Fundamentals of Clinical and IT (PARCA CPAS)

MAR 25-28
PACS System Administration

APR 20-22
Comprehensive DICOM Certification

APR 23-24
Comprehensive HL7: V2 and FHIR

JUL 27
PACS On-line Core Essentials

JUL 28
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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