PACS eBook

PACS Fundamentals, First Edition - Electronic Version

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Product Code: B-104ebk

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This is the electronic version of our PACS Fundamentals Book. With the growth of PACS installations, there is a need to educate potential users, managers, and people who support these systems about the fundamentals of the PACS technology. That is the objective of this book: to provide a basic understanding of PACS technology, as well as lessons learned from those who have used it for many years.

The PACS Fundamentals book (first edition) is not a comprehensive discussion about all the different technologies used with these systems. Rather this manual is an introduction for a potential or current user who needs to better understand PACS background and technology in order to better perform their job whether it's using the system, supporting, managing, or even selling it. This book is used as supporting material in the OTech PACS system administrator training workshops and as part of the several PACS e-learning classes that OTech provides, and can also be used very well as a stand-alone textbook.

Its intended audience is primarily PACS system administrators. However, it is also intended for biomedical engineers, and administrators who support and manage these systems. Even users such as technologists or physicians who would like a better understanding of the basics of the system will benefit from this book.

The author of this book is Herman Oosterwijk, MS, MBA, who is an experienced teacher and trainer on the subject of PACS and connectivity, especially the DICOM and HL7 communication standards. Herman Oosterwijk has an extensive background in PACS through his previous experience as PACS program manager with Philips, AT&T; and Kodak, and recently as president of OTech Inc., a healthcare technology consulting and training company.

Several industry experts have previewed PACS Fundamentals. Following are some of their comments:

"This book provides a much-needed user description of PACS and associated topics. A review of this book enables the current PACS user, and future users, to understand the fundamentals of their system. Herman Oosterwijk's clear and directed writing enables the reader to understand the uses of PACS," Samuel J. Dwyer III, Ph.D., fellow SCAR, Professor of Radiology, University of Virginia.

"Outstanding! It is the most concise, pragmatic, up-to-date and helpful book I have encountered on the subject. In particular, I liked the emphasis on the practical, real world issues that arise in the course of buying or using a PACS," David Clunie, M.D., CTO Radpharm, past industry chairman; DICOM committee.

"I thought it was truly very good, and I was impressed that you took the entire effort onto your own shoulders. I would like to recommend it on ClubPACS. Personally I enjoyed the clarifications on HIPAA and the FDA approval process. Overall, I thought the book was an excellent introduction to PACS. Good work," Paul Nagy, Ph.D. ,Director, Radiology Informatics Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin.

"Herman did an awesome job with the last book and I'd be happy to recommend it to anyone and everyone. Every vendor should have a copy of this for their salespeople and anyone in PACS should read it cover to cover," Michael Cannavo, PACS Consultant, Winter Springs, Fl.

We firmly believe that the knowledge provided in this book will allow someone who is involved with PACS to do a better job, that is why our mantra at OTech is "Learn More, Do More, Be More". Happy Reading!

Click here to get the paperback version of this book.

Important information about our eBooks:
All eBooks are compatible with Microsoft Windows only and require Adobe Flash. eBooks are not your familiar electronic files such as .doc or .pdf, but instead, we use a customized reader that is developed for eBooks. It allows for easy indexing and browsing as well as provides a mechanism for us to license it. Therefore, it won't be easy printable, except for doing a "print-screen"; it is specifically intended to be softcopy viewing only such as on a computer. The major application for eBooks is for people who need access to these resources and can't easily carry paper or just don't want to have it around. Another good application is for readers who are based outside the US and therefore have to pay a relatively high cost for shipping these books internationally.


CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595

Training Schedule

MAR 23-24
Fundamentals of Clinical and IT (PARCA CPAS)

MAR 25-28
PACS System Administration

APR 20-22
Comprehensive DICOM Certification

APR 23-24
Comprehensive HL7: V2 and FHIR

JUL 27
PACS On-line Core Essentials

JUL 28
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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