OTech has access to several industry experts and consultants who are used to create a team to solve your training and consulting need. Our core OTech associates include the following professionals.
Herman Oosterwijk
He functions as the EHR, PACS, DICOM, and IHE instructor as well as a consultant and overall project manager for most of the projects. He is very familiar with the PACS industry and technology because of his prior work experience as a PACS program and business unit manager with Philips, AT&T;, and Kodak. He teaches and publishes extensively on PACS and related topics such as the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. He participates with the DICOM, HL7 and IHE standardization efforts serving in various positions and working groups. View Resume
Johanna Oosterwijk
Business Manager
Johanna has a background in the healthcare field which ranges from being a RN, working in anesthesiology, to practicing as a licensed hypnotherapist and teach about alternative medicine and energy work. For OTech, she handles accounts payable and receivables. She is also responsible for all seminar coordination, including registration and she maintains our corporate database. If you have any questions about our products our services, do not hesitate to contact her via phone or e-mail and she will be able to help you and/or refer you to the right person.
Meg Kirby
Office Manager
Meg is responsible for all seminar coordination, including registration and she maintains our corporate database. If you have any questions about our products our services, do not hesitate to contact her via phone or e-mail and she will be able to help you and/or refer you to the right person.
Carl T. Alletto, M.S.
Regulatory Consultant
Carl is a Certified Professional Consultant, ASQC Certified Quality Manager, Certified Software Quality Engineer, and Certified Quality Auditor. He offers a broad range of experience and expertise in the development, implementation, and assessment of medical device regulations, software quality, verification/validation, ISO 9000 certification, and FDA Good Manufacturing Practices. With over 20 years experience in a Fortune 500 company as Director of Regulatory Affairs and Vice President of Quality, he understands PACS medical device regulations 510(k) guidelines, compliance, and quality standards that are critical to your business. View Resume
Ted Klein
HL7 Instructor
Ted has over 35 years of successful design and management experience in Software Product Development, extensive experience in integrating systems in the Healthcare industry, in coordinating development efforts across multiple sites and countries, and in research projects in an academic setting. He has long term experience with Health Level 7 standards and Clinical Terminologies such as SNOMED, with a focus on Public Health. Extensive experience with LOINC. Taught various HL7 standards classes and seminars for many years. View Resume
Tim DeRouen
IT Support
Tim is responsible for developing the back-end of our website.
Chris McCarthy
IT Support
Chris is responsible for developing the front-end of our website.
You can contact any of our associates through sales@otechimg.com.
CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595
Digital and Computational Pathology
PACS On-line Core Essentials
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials
DICOM On-line Core Essentials
SEP 10
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials
SEP 14-15
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp
Click here to view entire training schedule.
Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.
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