Course Accreditation & Certification

OTech fully supports continuing education and certification activities for PACS and Imaging administrators. Our seminars provide you with a pathway to both an academic degree through our affiliation with Clarkson College, one of the few institutions that provide a program targeted to these professionals, and also prepare you for one or more of the several PACS administrator certification options.

1. Accreditation: As of Jan 1, 2009, we have an Articulation Agreement with Clarkson College whereby several of our seminars can be used as credits towards an academic degree program, which are typically provided as distance learning programs. These credits are valid one year after the student takes a particular OTech course.

2. Certification: The information below is a chart of PACS Certification Guidelines for the different types of certifications offered by both the PACS Administrators Registry and Certification Association (PARCA) and the Certified Imaging Informatics Professional (CIIP). It shows the various seminars and self study courses that OTech offers that will assist you to prepare for the certification you desire. Note that the actual passing of the certification exam totally depends on the level of preparation, skills, and amount of study; there is no promise or guarantee to successful passing any of these certifications. More details about each of the certifications as well as a comparison and detailed list of subjects is included in the CIIP vs PARCA article.

Type Knowledge Skills Classes Self Study
PACS Associate IT: Computer, Operating Systems, Databases, Data representations, Networking, Security 2-day PACS IT for Clinical People PACS IT Basics
(incl Study Guide)
Clinical: Medical terminology, Anatomy, radiology imaging, process flow, priors and outside exams 2-day PACS Clinical for IT People PACS Clinical
(incl Study Guide)
PARCA CPAS Certification
PACS System Analyst PACS Overview, Acquisition, Viewing, Archiving, Integration, Workflow, System Administration, Outside radiology, HIPAA, Implementation 4-day PACS System Administration PACS System Analyst Certification Pack
(incl Study Guide)
PARCA CPSA Certification
PACS Interface Analyst DICOM: Negotiation, Messaging and objects, Storage and Image Management, Image Quality, Media, Conformance Statements, Networking, Troubleshooting 3-day Comprehensive DICOM CPIA Standards Pack
(incl Study Guide)
HL7: Messaging and troubleshooting; IHE 2-day Comprehensive HL7
PARCA CPIA Certification
PACS System Manager PACS Policies and Procedures, set up PACS test environment, PACS maintenance and troubleshooting 3-day PACS Advanced Troubleshooting  
PACS Operations Analyst Procurement, Project Management, Operations, Communications, Training and Education, Image Management, Information Technology, Systems Management, Clinical Engineering, Medical Informatics 2-day Imaging and Informatics Operations Management and Project Administration Health Imaging and Informatics Project Administration
ABII CIIP Certification


CIIP Study Guide - $120
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $550
PACS IT Package - $550

Training Schedule

APR 26
PACS On-line Core Essentials

APR 27
DICOM On-line Core Essentials

APR 28
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

APR 29
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials

MAY 17-20
DICOM On-line Certification Bootcamp

JUN 7-10
DICOM On-line Certification Bootcamp

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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