We offer a variety of products to help you take full advantage of the latest healthcare technology. With our products in hand, you can rest assured that you have the finest and most comprehensive tools available to you. We take pride in offering you products that will keep you informed and make your job easier.

E-Learning Training Courses Our HL7 e-learning training courses are an excellent way to learn. These courses feature interviews with leading standards industry experts. We are also offering Computer Based Training (CBT) courses that allow individuals to train at their own pace and convenience. Seminars We offer numerous seminars covering a variety of HL7 topics. These seminars are offered onsite as well as offsite at select locations around the globe. We can also put a specialized and dedicated training program together that meets your specific requirements based on your products, environment or target audience, such as sales, distributors, service, engineers, IT or PACS support organizations. Web Conferences Our live web conferences provide an extra learning dimension. The conferences generally consist of an overview by an industry expert, some real world examples and live question and answer session with our viewers. Archived presentations are also available. Books The objective of our HL7 Messaging book is to be a comprehensive guide of the HL7 version 2.x standard. It is especially useful for systems integrators and explains the basic messaging structure of HL7 in detail. Professional Services Each of our associates has more than 15 years experience in the medical imaging and information field. We can provide consulting on DICOM, HL7 and IHE, as well as network security implementations applicable for healthcare institutions. Search Database Please feel free to search our extensive list of articles, books, manuals, regulatory updates, white papers, images, conference news, webcasts and newsletters on this subject.


CIIP Study Guide - $120
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $550
PACS IT Package - $550

Training Schedule

JUN 23
DICOM Advanced Troubleshooting

JUL 6-7
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp

JUL 12
PACS On-line Core Essentials

JUL 13
DICOM On-line Core Essentials

JUL 14
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials

JUL 15
HL7 FHIR On-line Core Essentials

Click here to view entire training schedule.

Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.

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