Phone: (940) 440-9791
Fax: (940) 580-2665
215 E University Dr, Suite B
Denton, TX 76209-2011
OTech is committed to making a difference in the lives of those that need us most. Click the image below for more information.
Fundamentals of Clinical & IT (PARCA CPAS)
PACS System Administration (PARCA CPSA)
Comprehensive DICOM Certification
Comprehensive HL7: V2 and FHIR
Fundamentals of Clinical & IT (PARCA CPAS)
PACS System Administration (PARCA CPSA)
Comprehensive DICOM Certification
Comprehensive HL7: V2 and FHIR
Advanced DICOM, HL7 and IHE
Advanced PACS, DICOM, HL7 Troubleshooting
PACS Certification and Advanced Training
VNA Implementation
PACS Fundamentals DICOM Basics HL7 Messaging DICOM/HL7 Reference Guide
Clinical Associate (CPAS-CLIN) Clinical Associate (CPAS-CLIN) - Electronic IT Associate (CPAS-IT) IT Associate (CPAS-IT) - Electronic System Administrator (CPSA) - Electronic Imaging and Informatics (CIIP) Imaging and Informatics (CIIP) - Electronic DICOM Integration (CDIP) DICOM Integration (CDIP) - Electronic HL7 HL7 - Electronic HL7 FHIR HL7 FHIR - Electronic
OT-DICE is an active DICOM test tool which is very simple to set up and operate, even with no special training.
PACS 510(k) Filing FDA and Quality Audit Quality System Implementation
PACS/RIS Consulting Connectivity Security (HIPAA and Cyber security)
Expert Witness for Legal Cases
Let our experts help get you up and running quicker and easier than trying to navigate the entire healthcare IT field by yourself.
CIIP Exam review
This session aired on Wednsday March 6th at 6 pm CST (7 pm EST and 4 pm Pacific). Video and details are below.
Details: The purpose of the session was to go over the key points of the CIIP exam. The CIIP study guide will serve as our guide (having a copy is strongly recommended but not required).
VNA implementation
This session aired on Tuesday January 22nd at 3 pm CST (4 pm EST and 1 pm Pacific). Video and details are below.
Details: The purpose of the session is to explain the factors affecting a VNA, describe strategic alternatives, its architecture and implementation considerations. The reason for this presentation is that according to a recent poll, the majority of the current PACS users are considering a VNA implementation; however, there seems to be a lot of confusion going on about what a VNA actually means and how implement it.
The discussion will be facilitated by Herman Oosterwijk, president of OTech, and presented by our domain expert, Joe Marion, principal of Healthcare Integration Strategies. Several industry representatives, have offered to be part of the interactive Q and A session.
CIIP Study Guide - $135
HL7 Study Guide - $115
PACS Clinical Package - $595
PACS IT Package - $595
JUL 6-23
PACS On-line Certification (PARCA CPAS) Bootcamp
JUL 27
PACS On-line Core Essentials
JUL 28
HL7 v2 On-line Core Essentials
Click here to view entire training schedule.
Click here to view the latest video regarding the DICOM sniffer.
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