On / Off Site & OTech
DICOM Basics
DICOM Hands-On
DICOM Advanced
HL7 Basics
HL7 Hands-On
Internal Audit
Image Quality
Locations / Pricing








OTech Seminars and Online Training
  • Registration
  • Student of the Month
  • Off-site Training
  • On-site Training

    OTech seminars range from general to technical understanding of the DICOM and HL7 standard, hands-on troubleshooting classes for DICOM and HL7, image quality clinics, and regulatory workshops dealing with US FDA requirements for medical manufacturers and 510(k) filings.
    Suggested Reading
    New Revised
    DICOM Basics

    Included with the 2 day DICOM Seminar Materials

    DICOM Hands On Seminar

    San Francisco
    March 2001


    Student of the Month:    
    Miguel Anguarita
    Radiology Resident
    from Bogota, Columbia
    Seminar attendee in Dallas
    Off-site class June 2001

    Off-site Training:    
    OTech provides off-site training through public seminars and workshops. For the off-site training schedule, click on Locations.

    On-site Training:    
    OTech also provides on-site (in-house) training. On-site training is typically more cost effective if several people from your organization are going to attend or if you have an urgent need for training on short notice. Click here for on-site pricing information.