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DICOM Services
  • DICOM News Services
  • DICOM Publications
  • DICOM Training and Consulting
  • DICOM Requirement Specification
  • DICOM Conformance Database
  • DICOM Validation and Verification
  • Ask the Expert

    Typical DICOM Meeting: June 2001


    OTech Inc. provides several services related to the digital imaging and communications in Medicine (DICOM) standardization effort.
    DICOM News Services:    
    OTech established a DICOM news service by which an OTech representative participates in the DICOM meetings, and acts as a �virtual� representation for other companies. We act more or less as an �information broker,� which helps companies who cannot or do not wish to make the investment to have an own employee participate in this activity and still want to track the standardization effort closely. Included in the service is DICOM technical support, through which questions and / or issues with implementing the communication standard are addressed. Among our clients using this service are Toshiba, FUJI, Cedara, Algotec, Lorad (XRE), and many others. In addition, many users subscribe to this service such as the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the Mayo Clinic. See the DICOM News Services page for more information.
    DICOM Publications:    
    We have a variety of publications available as well as copies of numerous publications that our consultants have done on this subject. In addition, we have a book, written by our in-house instructors that is jointly published with Cap / Gemini Ernst and Young, Benelux, and is available for sale.
    DICOM Training and Consulting:    
    The expertise and involvement with the DICOM standardization effort forms an excellent basis for OTech to provide technical consulting and training to vendors on how to implement DICOM connections in medical imaging equipment. Training is either off-site in major metropolitan areas, or on-site at your location. The consulting includes implementation strategy and system architecture. We have retainer agreements with several companies that rely on OTech as the source for �expert opinions� and advice for connectivity implementations and issues.
    DICOM Requirement Specification:    
    In order to verify that a device meets specific DICOM functionality; one first should make sure it meets your requirements. Examples of requirements that can be used when purchasing a device are available. (Search for �requirements� under Publications.) OTech can help you tailor your specific requirements to meet your workflow and environment.
    DICOM Conformance Database:    
    In order to determine whether a device meets certain criteria, i.e. supports particular DICOM services, we have made our database available for searches. Just specify your particular device and the information will be available.
    DICOM Validation and Verification:    
    In order to find out whether or not a device actually performs as specified, we have a software tool available that one can use to actually exchange DICOM information and inspect the so called �header.� A free evaluation copy can be downloaded from our site.
    Ask the Expert:    
    We have a column in our DICOM News publication addressing frequently asked questions by our clients, aka �DICOM Frequent Traps,� i.e. those peculiarities that people seem to experience when implementing DICOM for the first time. We publish a list of the most recent ones.